Institut Pasteur International Network(IPIN) Newsletter - June 2021
[Institut Pasteur International Network(IPIN)]
The IPIN Newsletter - JUNE 2021
Here is the June issue of the Institut Pasteur International Network (IPIN) Newsletter, which covers the story of infectious disease research from 33 research institutes in 25 countries around the world!
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In particular, the
"Pasteur Joint International Research Unit titled Artificial intelligence for image-based drug discovery & development (PIU-Ai3D)" was introduced in this issue,
which was launched by Institut Pasteur Korea and Institut Pasteur (France) with the aim of cooperating in research for infectious disease treatment. PIU-Ai3D aims to develop next-generation drug discovery technology by combining the image-based screening technology of Institut Pasteur Korea and the computational biology expertise of Institut Pasteur (France).
<<Related press release:>>
In addition, you can read news about various research by the IPIN, including research on antibody reactivity against variants for COVID-19 vaccine recipients, and identification of new therapeutic targets based on omics data analysis!
What's Inside?
- Study of the reactivity of antibodies and sera of patients vaccinated or infected with Covid-19 to the Indian variant (B.1.617.2)
- HKU-Pasteur Research Pole: new therapeutic targets identified from the analysis of omics data using urine samples and plasma samples from COVID-19 patients
- COVID-19 dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University
- The maternal and neonatal outcomes of Zika virus infection studied in southern Vietnam
- Fucose, a new indicator to predict the severity of dengue