
[2019 Pasteur Colloquium] Oren Nelson, Global Lyme Alliance


[한국파스퇴르연구소] 파스퇴르 콜로퀴엄

일시 :   2019 9 17 (), 오전 11  
장소 :   모노드 회의실 (1), 한국파스퇴르연구소

        Oren Nelson
        Ambassador, Global Lyme Alliance
        Lyme disease: A growing phenomenon
Lyme Disease is the leading vector-borne illness in North America with an estimated 427,000 new cases in the USA alone.  In terms of NIH research dollars, proportionally it accounts for less than 2% of funding given to West Nile Virus and is 7000% more prevalent than West Nile in the U.S.  This talk will focus on prevention and current research efforts as well as some Korea specific information.  There are multiple strains that are encountered in N. America, Europe, and Asia.  Presented on behalf of the Global Lyme Alliance, the leading 501 (c)3 non-profit organization focused on research to find a lasting cure for Lyme disease and tick-borne illness.

*파스퇴르 콜로퀴엄 관련 문의사항은 sukyon.yang@ip-korea.org  이메일 송부 부탁드립니다. 연구소 관련 추가 내용은 홈페이지 (www.ip-korea.org) 통해 확인하실 있습니다.
** 한국파스퇴르연구소 약도http://www.ip-korea.org/about_us/location.php