[파스퇴르 네트워크] 2023년 7~8월 뉴스레터
[Pasteur Network] Newsletter - July~August 2023
전 세계 25개국 32개 연구소의 감염병 연구 이야기를 전하는 파스퇴르 네트워크 뉴스레터 (Pasteur Network Newsletter) 7~8월호를 공유합니다!
온라인 뉴스레터 보기(클릭)
What's inside?
- Pasteur Network Courses : a collective action for knowledge sharing on pressing health and scientific challenges
- SARA Project: strengthening antibiotic resistance surveillance in Africa through training
- ECOMORE 2 Project Closing Meeting and ECOMORE 3 Perspectives
- Institut Pasteur de Montevideo at the EU-Latin America Summit
- ALLIANCE SHS Afrique: Improving the response capacity of African health institutes to epidemic crises through the human and social sciences
- Feedback on the 2023 Croucher Summer Course in HKU-Pasteur Research Pole
- The Institut Pasteur de Côte d'Ivoire initiates a workshop on the profession of researcher
- Review of the symposium organized by the Institut Pasteur de Bangui on health research in Central Africa