[파스퇴르 네트워크] 2024년 2월 뉴스레터
전 세계 25개국 32개 연구소의 감염병 연구 이야기를 전하는 파스퇴르 네트워크 뉴스레터 (Pasteur Network Newsletter) 2월호를 공유합니다!
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What's inside?
- Institut Pasteur de Dakar inaugurated the Center for Africa’s Resilience to Epidemics (CARE)
- Retrospective of 2023 events linked to the 70th anniversary of the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge
- Pasteur Network: Election of new regional representatives
- Professor Yasmine Belkaid takes office as President of the Institut Pasteur
- Webinar : Microbial Communities and Transmission Dynamics of Escalating Infectious Diseases – Outcomes from the global research prioritisation study?
- Fiocruz Bahia study on tuberculosis featured in The Lancet Infectious Diseases