IPK Executive Leadership Team
  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
    Sungkey Jang, PhD
  • Chief Scientific Officer (CSO)
    Dimitri Lavillette, PhD
  • Management Executive Director
    Jaeyong Hur, PhD
  • Myung-Chul LEE


    Korean Academy of Science and Technology, Rep. of Korea

  • Pansik HWANG

    Ministry of Science and ICT, Rep. of Korea

  • JeKyung SEONG

    Seoul National University/Korea Mouse Phenotyping Center, Rep. of Korea

  • Isabelle BUCKLE

    Institut Pasteur, France

  • Hyundae KIM

    Gyeonggi Provincial Government, Rep.
    of Korea

  • Gwan Sun LEE

    GID Partners, Rep. of Korea


    Institut Pasteur, France

  • Dimitri LAVILLETTE

    Institut Pasteur Korea, Rep. of Korea

  • Yasmine BELKAID

    Institut Pasteur, France

  • Sung Key JANG

    Institut Pasteur Korea, Rep. of Korea

  • Youngchol KANG


    Seongha Energy Co., Ltd., Rep. of Korea

  • Joon Haeng Rhee (Chair)

    Chonnam National University Medical School, Rep. of Korea

  • Tae-Wook Chun

    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health(NIH), USA

  • YaeJean Kim

    Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine & Samsung Medical Center, Rep. of Korea

  • Malik Peiris

    The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  • Jie-Oh Lee

    Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Republic of Korea

  • Yong-zu Kim

    LigaChem Bioscience Inc., Republic of Korea

  • Kee-Jong Hong

    Gachon University College of Medicine, Republic of Korea

  • Meehyein Kim

    Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), Republic of Korea

  • Kyun-Hwan Kim

    Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Republic of Korea

  • Philippe Buchy

    Institut Pasteur du Laos, Laos

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Sungkey Jang, PhD
  • 1985-1989

    PhD in Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, US

  • 1982-1984

    MA, Zoology, Seoul National University, Rep. of Korea

  • 1978-1982

    BA, Zoology, Seoul National University, Rep. of Korea

Major Career
  • 2022-present

    CEO, Institut Pasteur Korea, Rep. of Korea

  • 2014-2024

    Assistant, Associate & Full Professor of Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Rep. of Korea

  • 2014-2022

    Director, POSTECH Biotech Center, Rep. of Korea

  • 2012-2021

    CSO, Aptamer Sciences, Inc., Rep. of Korea

  • 2014-2019

    Scientific Advisory Committee, Institut Pasteur Korea (IPK), Rep. of Korea

  • 1989-1991

    Postdoctoral fellow, State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, US

  • 2021-Present

    Chief Advisor, Bio Industry of Pohang, Rep. of Korea

  • 2018-Present

    Active Member, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology, Rep. of Korea

Records of Awards
  • 2023

    The Green Stripes Order of Service Merit

  • 2023

    Korea Teacher’s Award (Ministry of Education, University category)

  • 2022

    Special Award on Pohang Citizens Day in 2022 (Job Creation category)

  • 2020

    Minister’s Award from the Ministry of Science and ICT (Persons of distinguished service to science and technology)

  • 2017

    Proud POSTECHIAN Award

Chief Scientific Officer (CSO)

Dimitri Lavillette, Ph.D, Dr. Habil
  • 2009

    Habilitation à diriger les recherches, ENS Lyon, France

  • 1997-2000

    PhD in Virology, Ecole Normale Supérieure, ENS Lyon, France

  • 1994-1997

    Master of Differentiation, Genetic and Immunology at the University Claude Bernard, Lyon, France

  • 1991-1994

    Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, Dijon University, Dijon, France

Major Career
  • 2022-Present

    Chief Scientific Officer, Institut Pasteur Korea, Rep. of Korea

  • 2014-2022

    HeadProfessor, Principal Investigator, Pasteur Institute of Shanghai CAS

  • 2012-2014

    Associate Professor, Claude Bernard Lyon University – Microbial Ecology, Lyon

  • 2003-2012

    Associate Professor, Virology and Immunology Department, Ecole Normale Superieure ENS-Lyon

Management Executive Director

Jaeyong Hur, PhD
  • 2003

    PhD in Management Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

  • 2000

    MS in Policy Science Graduate School, Saitama University (Currently, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies), Japan

  • 1991

    BS in Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University. Rep. of Korea

Major Career
  • 2023-Present

    Management Executive Director, Institut Pasteur Korea, Rep. of Korea

  • 2023

    Director General, Ministry of Science and ICT

  • 2016-2023

    Director of Future HR Policy Division of the Ministry of Science and ICT, Rep. of Korea, Acting Director of Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology (PACST) Support Group, Rep. of Korea, etc.

  • 2013-2016

    Director of Performance Evaluation Innovation Division and Director of Science Welfare Coordination Division, etc., Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Rep. of Korea

  • 2011-2013

    Director of E-Learning Division and Director of Technology HR Policy Division, etc., Ministry of Education and Science Technology, Rep. of Korea

  • 2004-2011

    Director of Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division, Senior Deputy Director of American Technology Cooperation Division, etc., Ministry of Science and Technology, Rep. of Korea

  • 1996-2004

    Deputy Director of Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division, Deputy Director of Machinery and Electronics Research Coordination Office, Deputy Director of the 1st R&D Office, etc., Ministry of Science and Technology, Rep. of Korea

  • 1994

    Passed the 30th Higher Civil Service Examination (The 38th Public Administration Examination)