Education & Training

Call for Pasteur Network Postdoctoral Grants

[Pasteur Network Post-doctoral Grants]
Call for Pasteur Network
Postdoctoral Grants

The Pasteur Network, which comprising 32 members in 25 countries around the world, is looking for PhDs who are interested in advancing their careers through the call for postdoctoral grants.
The program supports talented postdoctoral researchers to advance innovative research in public health, biotechnology, and other fields and expand their global network at Institut Pasteur.


All PhDs and postdocs with less than five years of experience are eligible to apply. The recipient will receive a salary according to the local postdoc rating system along with a travel insurance covering repatriation, social insurances (illness and hospitalization), and personal liability insurance.


The program is divided into two categories based on research area: The Pasteur Network postdoctoral grants and The Calmette & Yersin program, and the application form is the same. The deadline is September 29th.


At the Institut Pasteur, a 130-year-old mecca for infectious disease research, we hope that you will meet to improve your career as a world-class physician-scientist!

■Qualifications: PhDs and postdocs with less than 5 years of experience
■Duration: 3 years (full time basis)
■Selection Criteria: Project originality and feasibility, potential to contribute to global health, and project execution.
■How to Apply: Complete application in English and submit online (deadline September 2, 2023)
■Remark: The grantees should provide a complete progress report regarding the scientific activities.

[TRACK 1] The Pasteur Network post-doctoral grants
◆Number of employment: 8 (two (2) per region of the Pasteur Network: Americas, Africa, Asia-Pacific and Euro-Mediterranean)
◆Responsibilities: Proposals must be in line with the Antimicrobial Resistance(AMR) and epidemic intelligence

[TRACK 2] The Calmette & Yersin program
 Number of employment: 3
Responsibilities: Applicants must propose an innovative research project in vector-borne diseases, epidemiological transition and ageing populations, maternal, newborn and child health, antimicrobial resistance via One health
Deadline for application: Sep. 2, 2023
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