IPK in the News

One step closer to Science "IPK‘s educational programs to all students from elementary school to university"

Institut Pasteur Korea (IPK) announced that IPK offered a variety of educational programs to encourage the next generation of young scientists to explore the fields of life sciences and basic research throughout 2016. Supported by the Gyeonggi Provincial Government via the Gyeonggi Science Mentor Project and the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning (MSIP), in 2016 3,078 students were enrolled with 62 times of educational programming conducted.
Students at all levels, from elementary school to university, had a unique opportunity to gain practical experience and learn from IPK scientists in school classrooms and lecture halls environments. IPK also manned hands-on scientific booths at two festivals, in Anyang (south of Gyeonggi) and DongDuChun (north of Gyeonggi) to spread science culture to the general public.
For university students, IPK offers internship programs during winter and summer vacations that provide specialized applied experiences and advanced training opportunities. Students work directly with scientists to learn the roles and responsibilities of the profession and gain practical work experience to help them navigate their future career path.

Source: Kiho Ilbo (December 20, 2016)