IPK in the News

[Incheon Ilbo] Experiment·Internship ··· To foster the development of the next generation of scientists


During 2015, Institut Pasteur Korea (IPK) offered a variety of educational programs to encourage the next generation of young scientists to explore the fields of life sciences and medical research. Supported by the Gyeonggi Provincial Government and the Gyeonggi Science Mentor Project, 2,471 students enrolled. Students at all levels, from elementary school to university, had a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience and learn from IPK scientists in school classrooms and lecture halls environments. IPK was also present at two festivals including the Gyeonggi province science festival.
Education and teaching are an important part of Dr. Louis Pasteur’s legacy and of great interest to IPK’s CEO Dr. Hakim Djaballah. Since 2009, approx. 13,000 students have benefited from IPK’s educational programs. "We will continue our duty in 2016 by providing exciting educational programing which nurture the development of future global health scientists and leaders" said Dr. Hakim Djaballah.

Source: Incheon Ilbo (30 December, 2015)