Institut Pasteur Korea seeks research collaboration with Korean bio companies at the 2022 “Open Innovation Challenge”
Institut Pasteur Korea seeks research collaboration with
Korean bio companies at the 2022 "Open Innovation Challenge"
Institut Pasteur Korea (IPK) participated in the 2022 "Open Innovation Challenge" and sought research collaboration with domestic bio companies.
Hosted by the Korea Biotechnology Industry Organization (KoreaBIO) on May 11th, the "Open Innovation Challenge" aimed to support domestic bio companies' overseas advancement and network establishment. IPK participated as one of the five key members of the French Healthcare Club, along with Sanofi, Servier Laboratories, bioMérieux, and Ibsen, and carried out multilateral discussions on open innovation.
From the applicant pool, IPK selected five companies including competitive bio ventures, based on their field of research, technology, and possibility for collaboration, and held one-on-one meetings. To benefit the discussion, experts of R&D open innovation of IPK participated in the meeting: the research team leaders working in the common fields of research as the selected companies, such as antibiotics and anticancer drug development, as well as business development managers of Strategic Planning Team.
According to the general understanding of each company's R&D programs gained through this meeting, IPK will seek follow-up exchange with the companies likely to be highly synergistic in terms of strategic cooperation, including joint research.