The IPK CEO presented the Infectious Disease Research Innovation Strategy at the 2022 EKC
The CEO of Institut Pasteur Korea presented the Infectious Disease Research Innovation Strategy at the 2022 Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC)
Dr. Youngmee Jee, the CEO of Institut Pasteur Korea (IPK), attended the 2022 Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC) held in Palais du Pharo, Marseille, France, from July 19 to 21 (local time), and presented innovation strategies for infectious diseases research and technology.
At the 'President Forum II' held on Jul 21, Dr. Jee delivered a talk titled 'IPK's State-of-the-art drug screening platform for infectious diseases and beyond.' She briefly introduced IPK's key capabilities as a research hub for infectious diseases in the Asia-Pacific region, summarizing the drug development screening platform, expertise in basic and translational research, and an extensive global network, followed by one of the significant achievements such as COVID-19 drug discovery. Next, Dr. Jee shared IPK's next-generation technology development strategy that accelerates infectious disease research and innovation by promoting the ultra-sensitive and ultra-precise imaging technology-based screening platform driven by artificial intelligence (AI), such as cell painting. In particular, she introduced the IPK and Institut Pasteur's joint research team, named 'Artificial intelligence for image-based drug discovery & development" (Ai3D), which was launched in 2021 seeking to advance screening technology by integrating the expertise in computational biology and the imaging and screening technologies of both institutions.
In addition, Dr. Jee participated in the 'Women Scientists Meeting II' and gave a presentation under the theme 'Equity in Global Public Health.'
The 2022 Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology was hosted by the Association des Scientifiques Coréens en France (ASCoF) together with the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) and eight other Korean Scientists and Engineers Associations in Europe which are in Germany (VeKNI), the UK (KSEAUK), Austria (KOSEAA), Finland (KOSES), Scandinavia (KSSEA), the Netherlands (KOSEANL), Switzerland (KSEAS), and Belgium (KOSEAbe), and about 700 scientists representing Korea and Europe attended.