Institut Pasteur Korea held a training program for high-ranking public health officers from Senegal operated by Medipeace
Institut Pasteur Korea held a training program
for high-ranking public health officers
from Senegal operated by Medipeace
Institut Pasteur Korea (IPK) held an invited training program on October 31st for high-ranking public health officers from Senegal.
The program is a Project Management Consulting (PMC) from Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and is run in collaboration with Medipeace.
To enhance the capacity of Senegal's national public health laboratory, the program provided various learning experiences to benchmark good-practice laboratory systems and operational models of domestic research institutes and hospitals, including IPK.
10 officials from Senegal, including the Director of Laboratories of the Ministry of Health and Social Action, Prof. Amadou Moctar DIEYE, attended lectures, covering the IPK’s Global Infectious Disease Specimen Bank (GISB), and visited IPK's infectious disease research facilities, such as Biological Safety Level-1 (BSL-1), Biological Safety Level-2 (BSL-2), and Animal Biosafety Level-3 (ABSL-3).
A series of IPK’s training activities aimed to help Senegalese health officials to improve their understanding of the role of the national public health laboratories and benchmark know-hows for laboratory safety and operation management. Senegalese officials plan to develop regulations and strategies for laboratory surveillance systems leveraging the lessons from the program.
IPK has continuously participated in a number of invited training programs, such as the 'Lee Jong-Wook Fellowship,' and contributes to strengthening public health through international cooperation and educational support.