Press Release

National Forensic Service · Institut Pasteur Korea, MOU to Promote Scientific Investigation

Pangyo, Gyeonggi, 19 Jul, 2017 | On 18 July, 2017, the National Forensic Service (NFS, President: Dr. Young Shik Choi, MD) and Institut Pasteur Korea (IPK, CEO: Dr. Wang-Shick Ryu) signed a MOU that promotes the application of science in criminal and incident investigations that involve microbial elements.
There is a growing interest in microbial forensics as criminal and incident scenes have become more diverse, raising concern over potential infectious disease outbreaks. Under the MOU, NFS and IPK will exchange information on infectious diseases, life science technologies, and research infrastructures in order to promote quick and accurate investigations in infectious diseases related crimes and incidents.
Dr. Young Shik Choi, MD, NFS President, says “We are very positive about the collaboration with IPK. By working together we can leverage IPK’s research infrastructure and research specialists. We look forward to working collaboratively with IPK and share our expertise“
Dr. Wang-Shick Ryu, IPK CEO, says “This MOU is very meaningful to IPK. It is another way we are contributing to the local and national communities. Through collaboration we hope to develop high-confidence methodologies that will improve the investigation capacities of microbial forensics in Korea.”


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About Institut Pasteur Korea
Institut Pasteur Korea (IPK) is an international research institute focused on addressing global health issues with a combination of cutting edge approaches in order to understand disease mechanisms and develop new treatments. By promoting multi-disciplinary projects, IPK is at the forefront of drug discovery and an economic growth engine that contributes to Korea's scientific intellectual and technical resources. IPK has four core missions of public interest; 1) Research, combining front line biology, IT, and chemistry, with innovative cell-based drug discovery platforms that identify novel molecular targets for potential new therapies to treat diseases, 2) Education, offering a wide range of programming to nurture the development of the next generation of scientists and health professionals, 3) Public Health, working in collaboration with national and international health authorities, and 4) Translation of biomedical discoveries to improve health via technology transfer and industrial partnerships.
IPK is a member of the Institut Pasteur International Network (Network). As a hub institution, IPK plays a key role in the Network, serving as a bridge between Korea and global bio-pharma science, expanding Korea's R&D base collaborative research projects with global alliances
The institute was established in April 2004 in collaboration with Institut Pasteur Paris and the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), with support from the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP). IPK also has a great supporter in the Gyeonggi Provincial government (2005 – 2015 : Block funding | 2016 – Present : drug discovery co-resarch fund for pharm industries).