Press Release

Institut Pasteur Korea Facilitator for French Tech Days Roundtable: Healthcare and Drug Discovery Challenges in Korea

Pangyo, Gyeonggi, 31 May, 2016 | Institut Pasteur Korea was contributing to the French Tech Days being held today, 30 May, 2016, at Intercontinental Coex Seoul. IPK was appointed moderator for the roundtable: Healthcare and Drug Discovery Challenges in Korea.
The roundtable was co-chaired by Regis Grailhe, IPK Group Head of Technology Development Platform and Inhee Choi, IPK Bioinfomatics. Broken up into two morning sessions, a diverse group of noted international and Korean guest speakers explored the themes ‘From Clinic to Startup’ and ‘Current Drug Discovery and Development Challenges in Korea.’ “The roundtable is a venue for communication and collaboration among the leaders in the international scientific research community,” said Dr. Regis Grailhe, IPK. “Only through multidisciplinary effort between clinicians, academic and research institutions, government, and biotechnology/ pharmaceutical companies will we be able to overcome obstacles in improving drug discovery and healthcare in Korea.”
In the afternoon IPK operated a booth at the demo session providing attendees general information about IPK including core technologies, research activities, and award-winning drug screening services. IPK was recently recognized for their expertise in screening and analysis in the multilateral collaborative neglected tropical diseases drug discovery booster project.
The French Tech Days is an official event of the crossed years program that vows to commemorate the 130th anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and Korea. This event was organized by Business France, the trade development agency of the French Embassy, and with the support of the French Tech Hub of Seoul. This hub has been launched on March 24th during French minister of foreign affair Jean Marc Ayrault’s visit in Korea. The French Tech Hub of Seoul is a startup incubator designed to bolster partnerships with small and medium-sized French and Korean enterprises in high-tech industries like medtech, biotech, fintech, etc.,. “The cooperation between Korea and France creates a bridge between two powerhouse startup networks,” said Roberto Bruzzone, IPK CEO. “It diversifies Korea’s high-tech bio industry, accelerates technology transfer activities and helps build a strong entrepreneurial culture; ultimately driving sustained economic growth for Korea.”
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About Institut Pasteur Korea
Institut Pasteur Korea, located in Pangyo, was founded in 2004. It is a private institution devoted to discovery biology for infectious diseases. IPK’s unique translational capabilities and small molecule intervention technology make it possible to rapidly address unmet global health needs through diagnostics for detection and prevention. IPK strives to have fostering collaborations, partnerships, and educational outreach to share its knowledge and research know-how. Institut Pasteur Korea is a member of the Institut Pasteur International Network which brings together 33 institutes located in 29 countries, united by the same mission, culture, and values. Leveraging vast human and scientific community, the Network is involved in international research projects, public health, teaching and training programs. By its diversity and global presence, the Institut Pasteur International Network aims to respond, in an innovative way, to international public health issues and priorities.