Press Release

Institut Pasteur Korea to Co-Chair Specialist Forum On Countermeasure Response to Emerging Infectious Diseases

Pangyo, Gyeonggi, 21 June, 2016 | Institut Pasteur Korea, Commission for Green Seoul, and the French Embassy will co-chair a specialist forum on the countermeasure response to emerging infectious diseases at Seoul Metropolitan Council on 28 Jun. The event brings together specialists from academia, civic organizations, and the Seoul metropolitan government to discuss the increased exposure of infectious diseases due to globalization, the importance of proper management of health and public transportation, and the need to put appropriate measures in place to prevent spread of infectious disease via the public transportation system.
The forum is a way for specialists to gain deeper understanding of the public’s needs and resources. It is a vital step towards understanding how to improve the community and increase overall quality of life. “Seoul is a high density urban area and home to the longest subway system in the world. This presents a unique opportunity to understand the urban microbiome that millions of people come into contact with every day.” said Roberto Bruzzone, IPK CEO. “While the vast majority of the microorganisms that surround us don’t cause any harm, this unprecedented study of Seoul’s mass-transit systems may help us understand the microbial ecosystem and its possible impact on the community’s health.”
“Citizens are worried about the increased number of infectious disease outbreaks caused by climate change and the spread of disease due to globalization,” said Youngsun Ji, Co-chair of the Commission for Green Seoul. “There are growing concerns from citizens about the increasing incidence and more rapid spread of infectious diseases caused by climate change and globalization. I hope this forum will serve as a forum to hear various opinions from citizens, environmental organizations and specialists to lay the groundwork for development of countermeasures and a broad social consensus for the need.“
Mr. Yann Moreau, Attaché for Science and Higher Education Cooperation at the French Embassy, will have a welcome speech that underlies the importance of an infectious disease surveillance program and the current efforts underway in France. He will also discuss the need to intensify scientific synergy and the importance of scientific cooperation between France and Korea.
The specialist forum information is:
Date: 14:00 ~ 17:00, 28 Jun, 2016
Venue: Main Conference room, Members’ office Building, Seoul Metropolitan Council
          (15, Deoksugung-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul)
Program detail & Registration:

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About Institut Pasteur Korea
Institut Pasteur Korea, located in Pangyo, was founded in 2004. It is a private institution devoted to discovery biology for infectious diseases. IPK’s unique translational capabilities and small molecule intervention technology make it possible to rapidly address unmet global health needs through diagnostics for detection and prevention. IPK strives to have fostering collaborations, partnerships, and educational outreach to share its knowledge and research know-how. Institut Pasteur Korea is a member of the Institut Pasteur International Network which brings together 33 institutes located in 29 countries, united by the same mission, culture, and values. Leveraging vast human and scientific community, the Network is involved in international research projects, public health, teaching and training programs. By its diversity and global presence, the Institut Pasteur International Network aims to respond, in an innovative way, to international public health issues and priorities.