Press Release

Institut Pasteur Korea announces enrollment period for 2016 autumn semester UST-IPK Ph.D. course

Pangyo, Gyeonggi, 26 Feb, 2016| Institut Pasteur Korea (IPK, CEO: Dr. Hakim Djaballah) announces March 4, 2016-April 4, 2016 is the enrollment period for the University of Science and Technology (UST) - Institut Pasteur Korea (IPK) 2016 autumn semester Ph.D. course. The UST-IPK Ph.D. course is a hands-on, on-site Research & Discovery education program designed for graduate students interested in infectious disease research and drug discovery.
Founded in 2004, UST aims to foster highly qualified R&D professionals in the field of new convergence technology through on-site R&D education. IPK became a member campus in 2014 and is the only non-profit research organization on the 33 member campus roster.

Space is limited as only two graduate students will be allowed to participate, so early registration is encouraged. (General admission: March 25 ~ April 4, Special admission: March 4 ~ April 4) For more detailed information on the UST course, please visit To learn more about IPK, please go to or contact us at t: 031-8018-8043, e:

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About Institut Pasteur Korea
Institut Pasteur Korea, located in Pangyo, was founded in 2004. It is a private institution devoted to discovery biology for infectious diseases. IPK’s unique translational capabilities and small molecule intervention technology make it possible to rapidly address unmet global health needs through diagnostics for detection and prevention. IPK strives to have fostering collaborations, partnerships, and educational outreach to share its knowledge and research know-how. Institut Pasteur Korea is a member of the Institut Pasteur International Network which brings together 33 institutes located in 29 countries, united by the same mission, culture, and values. Leveraging vast human and scientific community, the Network is involved in international research projects, public health, teaching and training programs. By its diversity and global presence, the Institut Pasteur International Network aims to respond, in an innovative way, to international public health issues and priorities.